But as her level goes higher, the difficulties go higher too. She doesn't has a very good foundation in Math (she hate this subject the most), LAZY to solve the sums, so ended up with Math Remedial every year.
I decided to make this Sunflower Egg Raisin Bun Bento because I just bought the raisin buns and Messy wanted bread for that day as she already had rice the other day, so I went online to search under my few favourite blogs for some ideas and saw this interesting, fun looking sunflower from Cute Food For Kids? I did a few pots of mushroom from chiwaku, 2 small chicken sausages of flowers and covered those empty spaces with frozen mixed veg.
Actually this was my 2nd Sunflower Egg cooked on that morning. The 1st one failed as some of the "petals" couldn't stick and fell off. Maybe I didn't put in the cheese sausages earlier before the egg white starts to cook.
Sunflower Egg Raisin Bun Bento |

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